Big changes coming to Virginia Expungements in 2025.

If you know anything about Virginia Expungements, you know that the ability to obtain an expungement of charges is narrow. The current process of expungement requires you to file a petition under Va Code Section 19.2-392.2, which allows for the expungement of charges under very limited circumstances: In 2025, our new expungement statutes will come […]

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Statute of Limitations not tolled for criminal prosecution. Even when the case involved the death of a 2-year-old.

As we’ve written before, Virginia courts are unforgiving when it comes to statutes of limitations. Stated another way, if you let the statute of limitations pass on your personal injury claim without settling your case or properly filing it in court, you lose. Inherently, this also means making sure you actually know the SOL in […]

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Virginia Expungement Update (June 2023).

If you’ve been paying attention to Virginia Expungement Law and the recent movement in the General Assembly, you’re probably aware that there are significant improvements coming to our expungement framework here in Virginia.  However, most of the change has a delayed effective date until July 1, 2025.  With that said, this past year, there were […]

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