An important case just handed down about Qualified Immunity.

With the tragic death of George Floyd and worldwide marches on his behalf, and in support of #BlackLivesMatter, countless Americans are asking “what can be done to prevent these senseless killings?” Inevitably, the issue of Qualified Immunity comes to mind. Qualified Immunity is a complex issue, which we intend to write about more in the coming […]

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What are Virginia Field Sobriety Tests?

If you pulled over for drunk driving in Virginia, it’s likely that law enforcement will ask you to take Field Sobriety Tests (FSTs).  Before you find yourself in that situation, here’s some information that you need to know: What are Field Sobriety Tests? Law enforcement claim that Field Sobriety Tests “scientific” and “objective” tests that […]

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Should I go to trial for my Virginia DUI?

If you’re facing a Virginia DUI charge, at some point you will have to decide – do I go to trial or do I take a plea? In most Virginia DUI cases, the prosecutor will offer to resolve your case without trial. This is a plea offer. As you might expect, a plea offer involves […]

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Enhanced Penalties for Some Virginia DUI Charges.

If you’ve been charged with a Virginia DUI, you need to know about “enhanced penalties.” First, check out Virginia Code Section 18.2-270. Then keep reading here. How enhanced penalties will apply in my Virginia DUI Case? Enhanced penalties may apply when there are “aggravating factors” in your Virginia DUI. Aggravating factors include: An elevated blood […]

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