Community Resources

At Abrenio Law, we encourage our clients (and their families and loved ones, on their behalf) to go above and beyond when preparing for Court.  Whether you are facing a simple traffic offense, a serious felony, or anything in between, we urge you to take extra steps to demonstrate that you are taking your case seriously.  And that you are doing everything in your power to ensure that you do not find yourself before the Court again.

Given that, we have created our Community Resource Page to help you find what you may need in your particular situation.  Below, we are providing links to useful classes, programs, and treatment resources that may suit your needs, depending on your situation.

To be clear, we do not receive any funds from any of these providers.  Rather, we have simply found them useful for our past clients.  Ultimately, you will be working directly with them should you choose to do so.

Shoplifting Courses

Drug & Alcohol Treatment Resources & Programs

Anger Management Courses

Opportunities for Community Service

If you’re looking for volunteer opportunities, make sure to reach out early. Often, opportunities require on-boarding time with limited positions. Further, if facing a criminal charge, you may be limited in the types of positions available depending on the nature of your charge. In addition to the locations listed above, you can look to local community spaces to include recreation centers, parks, and places of worship. If not specifically ordered by a court, you can volunteer anywhere so long as you’re not getting paid for your work.

Lastly, if you’re completing community service for court, you must keep track of the hours you complete, have a supervisor sign off on your hours, and provide a contact so that a prosecutor is able to verify those hours. Therefore, you should ask your community service organization if they have a form to keep track of your hours for you.

If they don’t have any such form, here’s a sample form that you can amend as needed. As you’ll see, you need to have your hours verified each instance you volunteer. You should not expect a supervisor to “recreate” a time sheet for you or simply “take your word for it.

Download Sample Community Service Time Sheet

Parenting Classes

Mental Health Family Resources