If you’ve suffered serious injuries in a Virginia car accident, your doctors will (obviously) play a vital role in your recovery. Through them, you will be provided the guidance and treatment to get back to full recovery (or as close to full recovery as possible). In addition to that, they will also serve an important role should you pursue a Virginia car accident claim.
They will memorialize your injuries, recovery, and treatment.
If you’re recovering from a Virginia car accident case, our recommendation is that you follow your doctors’ orders. By doing so, you increase the chances that you will fully recover from your car accident. However, it also serves an important role in your car accident claim.
When you receive treatment, your doctors will be keeping records that memorialize your injuries, what you tell them about your symptoms, your progress, as well as the actual treatment you require. In pursuing your accident claim, these records will serve as the foundation for establishing what you’ve been through and how your accident affected your life.
Also, the absence of treatment will also be important. For instance, if your doctor recommended follow up care, and you refrained from following through, the insurance companies will point to that lack of follow up to argue that you weren’t really “that” injured.
If needed, your doctors will be the first people we look to testify.
Not every case goes to trial. But, at Abrenio Law, we treat every case as if it will. By doing so, we establish a “show of strength” to the insurance companies. If they know we are ready to go to trial, they are more likely to negotiate in good faith. And if they don’t, we are already prepared to try your case.
One important aspect of trial preparation is getting your doctors on board to testify in court, should their help be needed. This includes us reaching out to the doctors to confirm that they relate your injuries to the accident and that, should they be called upon, they are willing to testify in court. Often, we find doctors unwilling to help us out, so we need to know their views on your case and trial.
What if my doctor isn’t willing to help in court?
This could be the result of two primary reasons. First, they may not believe (or be willing to articulate) that your injuries are due to your accident. Second, they may simply be unwilling to come to court. We often hear them say, “I don’t want to be involved in litigation.” We often see that this causes injury victims (and some attorneys) to refrain from seeking out clarity from their doctors. Instead, they’d rather be in the dark.
Our view is the opposite. If a doctor is unwilling to help us, we’d prefer to know sooner rather than later. If we know early enough, it’s possible that we could get another doctor to review your case and help us out should the need arise. If we find out only midway through trial, that’s the worst spot to be in because we can’t do anything to change it.
So, what should I do?
Simply put, follow your doctor’s orders. And be open with them about your accident and injuries. To be clear, there’s never a guarantee of even $1 in your accident case. But working with your doctors maximizes your chances to physical recovery, and that’s the most important thing.
Still have questions?
Make sure to check out our Personal Injury & Criminal Defense Practice Pages where we’ve answered many other questions you likely have. James Abrenio is a Fairfax-Based Personal Injury & Criminal Defense attorney who practices throughout Northern Virginia. You can learn more about James Abrenio, some of our Prior Results, and Read Our Reviews. Make sure to contact us at Ph. 703-570-4180 for your Free Consultation.