In this case, the Plaintiff was T-boned when driving down a road in Fairfax County when the Defendant attempted to leave a shopping center form a side street, failed to see the Plaintiff’s vehicle, and slammed into the passenger’s side of her vehicle.
As a result of the impact, Plaintiff’s main injury was a left shoulder rotator cuff tear. After attempted conservative treatment, Plaintiff underwent surgery. Immediately after the surgery, however, providers noticed a large edema of Plaintiff’s neck. Given concern for her airway, providers kept her intubated and admitted her into the ICU where she stayed one day. Fortunately, the Plaintiff recovered quickly and was released from the hospital the following day with no complications from her ICU stay.
Over the following months, Plaintiff completed the expected course of physical therapy for her shoulder surgery. She ultimately made a solid recovery. She incurred over $146,000 in medical bills.
The Defendant maintained a $100,000 liability policy. The Plaintiff had $300,000 in UIM Coverage. Prior to filing suit, the matter settled for $275,000 combined insurance.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Every case is different, and the results depend on the unique facts presented. Nothing in our reported results is intended to imply that we would reach a similar result in your case. For every case that we accept, we complete a detailed evaluation for you (in most cases in writing) to provide you our analysis regarding what we think your case is worth. The only promise that we can make to you is to give you 100% effort and work with you as best as we can to attain the right result for your case.